Eliminate your dental anxiety and fears!

At Stockbridge Dental Practice we strive to make you feel as relaxed and as comfortable as possible when you visit us. We understand that its not easy for everyone but we do our best by discussing any worries or concerns during your consultation to see how we can reduce these as much as possible.

For some people, coming to the dentist can be a really challenging experience so we work closely with Gillian Dalgliesh, who is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, based in Stockbridge. Gillian works with patients to help reduce anxieties, fears and phobias and allows people to confidently attend for appointments that have previously been too scared to visit or have had to rely on sedation or general anaesthetic. Many patients have described hypnotherapy as life-changing.

You can find out more about Gillian on her website www.gilliandalgliesh.com 

For a free telephone consultation, please contact Gillian on  07593 082 349 or gillian@gilliandalgliesh.com
