Example of a fixed bridge

Example of a fixed bridge


A dental bridge is a type of dental prosthesis which literally bridges the gap between two teeth. If you have lost one or two teeth to decay or because of an accident, a bridge can make your smile complete again. Where more than two teeth in a row are missing, and implant-supported bridge may be an option.

Tooth bridges come in a variety of materials and finishes. Metal alloys are usually the cheapest option, but they have the obvious disadvantage of looking nothing like natural teeth.

Porcelain and ceramic bridges, when made well, look exactly like natural teeth. However, they come at a much higher cost because of the materials and lab work involved.

A solution which balances cost with appearance is a bridge made from ceramic or porcelain fused to a metal base (as pictured). This type of bridge can lose its aesthetic appearance over time, though, and may not be as strong as pure ceramic. The best material for your bridge will depend on your budget and the position of your teeth.