Teeth Straightening

Teeth straightening options have come along way since conventional metal train track braces and we are noticing more and more people asking us about what different options are available in orthodontic services. At Stockbridge Dental Practice we offer a range of different tooth straightening options.

Whether you want the removable aligner systems like Invisalign or Clearsmile, the fixed tooth coloured options like Six Month Smiles or fixed metal options like Fast Braces; we are able to find the right option for you. If you are unsure about the different options but wish to find out a bit more information then you can speak to your dentist at your next appointment.

Alternatively you can book in for a teeth straightening consultation to confirm suitability, find out exactly what would be involved and what the costs would be for the different systems. Call us on 0131 332 5510 or fill out the form below.